The Moment
Alja Petric (vokal, himalajske pojoče sklede, gong, indijanska flavta, zvončki)
Dejan Berden (klavir, šamanski boben, ropotulje, činele)
Recording, mix, mastering: Dejan Berden
Bil je trenutek, ko sta se dve duši srečali in zlili ter skupaj stopili na galaktično pot, ki je izven časa in prostora, izven otipljivega in vidnega, zemeljskega in nebeškega. Iz prvotnega trenutka sta prestopili v naslednje v katerih sta zgodbo razširili, poglobili, dopolnili in obogatili. Spontano, tekoče, pojoče in dihjemajoče. Nastopil je trenutek, ko držite v rokah zapis kanaliziranih melodij dveh glasbenih ustvarjalcev: pianista, skladatelja, aranžerja in producenta Dejana Berdena ter vokalistke, flavtistke, zvočne ustvarjalke in raziskovalke Alje Petric, ki sta v 52 minutah glasbenih utrinkov prepletla melodično ritmične strukture klavirja, petja, šamanskega bobna, flavt in piščali, himalajskih pojočih skled, gonga, zvokov dežja in zvončkov. Ustvarila sta glasbo, ki najde prostor v ušesih vsakega posameznika in ga popelje na dragoceno pot lastnih izkustev skozi meditacijo, sprostitev, pomiritev, poglobitev vase, samozdravljenje in ples. In nastopil bo trenutek, ko boste hoteli zadnjo minuto duhovnega potovanja zamenjati s prvo, da bi ponovno doživeli glasbeno extazo trenutka.
There was a moment when two souls met and merged together. They have entered the galactic path outside of time and space, beyond the tangible and visible, earthly and heavenly. From the initial moment they have stepped on to the next level, while expanding, deepening and enriching the story. Flowing, spontaneously, singing and breathtaking. The moment came when you hold in your hands the record of the channeled melodies of these two musicians in your hands: the pianist, composer, arranger and producer Dejan Berden and vocalist, flautist, sound artist and researcher Alja Petric. In the 52 minutes of their musical highlights, you will hear the melodic rhythmic structures of the piano, intertwined with the shamanic drums, flutes and whistles, Himalayan singing bowls, gongs, the sound of rain and bells and the singing. They have created music that finds room in the ears of every individual and takes him & her on a path of valuable experiences through meditation, relaxation, calmness and soul searching, self-exploration, self-healing and dance. And a moment will come when you want the last minute to be replaced by the first to re-experience the spiritual journey of the music ecstasy from that moment.