Začetek projekta Zvočne krajine – Spevi & Arije sega v december 2017, ko je umetnica  JUNEsHELEN osnovala album Spevi in Arije, ki sloni na raziskovanju intuitivnega sveta s simbiozo dronovskih, orkestralnih melodij, harmoničnosti in intuitivnega petja v namišljenem jeziku. Ob viziji o skupnem sodelovanju in širjenju projekta z vokalistko Aljo Petric, je nastal glasbeni tandem, pod skupnim imenom Zvočne krajine – Spevi & Arije. Kompozicije z albuma so se spojile s subtilnim zvočnim svetom, skozi frekvence starodavnih akustičnih glasbil, ki ustvarijo meditativne glasbene ambiente.

Najmočnejša sinergija nastane ob stični točki mogočnih glasov avtoric, ki je njuna najbolj naravna izrazna oblika in poslušalce ponese na potovnaje v globoke in daljne notranje svetove.


Zvočne krajine (Alja Petric), je nadgradnja projekta Zven trenutka, v katerem umetnica ustvarja glasbene ambiente, ki poslušalčevo pozornost odvrnejo od njemu poznanih glasbenih konstruktov z namenom, da doživi tista dva najbolj osnovna gradnika iz katerih glasba kot taka nastane: »zvok« in »tišino«.

Z uporabo raznolikih akustičnih »zvočil« in pristnega človeškega zvoka »petja«, oblikuje melodične vzorce, ki sledijo osnovanemu konceptu in jih stika z intuitivnimi melodijami, ki nastanejo v spontanem trenutku. Zvočne krajine raziskujejo subtilni zvočni svet, ki šepeta v naravi in notranjosti človeške duše.

Spevi in Arije (JUNEsHELEN), je nova veja raziskovanja kraljestva glasu JUNEsHELEN. Intuitiven način petja, ki ga vodi duša, ob spremljavi dronovskih harmoničnosti, melodij in orkesterskih zvokov. Meditativni spevi in arije JUNEsHELEN so peti v notranjem jeziku, ki prihaja iz sveta, kjer besede nimajo pomena, le intuitiven občutek. Iskren občutek, brez napačnih razlag, kjer se ne skrivamo za besedami znanega jezika, temveč se prosto gibljemo v svobodi samoizražanja. S svojim glasom vzpostavi most in omogoči prehod v notranji svet. Vsak in vsakdo lahko prevede besede, ki jih sliši kot neposredno povezavo, sporočilo in pomen, ki se lahko doživi le kot osebno in individualno sporočilo posameznika in posameznice. Za vsakega, pomen je drugačen. Nekatere stvari se lahko čutijo samo s srcem in razumejo z dušo. Duša vidi in vsi obrazi padejo, ki niso pravi izrazi vseh nas. http://juneshelen.com/


Album: Soundscapes – Chantings & Arias





28.08.2020 – Festival Noči v Stari Ljubljani, Mestni Muzej Ljubljana

18.05.2019 – Festival Lezbična Četrt, Španski Borci, Ljubljana

12.03.2019 –  Klub Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana

21.11.2018 – Gledališče Park Murska Sobota

21.08.2018 – Dnevi poezije in vina, Pruh

28.07.2018 – Floating Castle Festival, Grad Snežnik

22.07.2018 – ŠKUC, Ljubljana



The project Soundscapes – Chantings & Arias began in December 2017 when the artist JUNEsHELEN founded and created the album Chantings & Arias, which is based on the exploration of the intuitive world with the symbiosis of drone sound, orchestral melodies, harmonics and intuitive singing in an imaginary language.

With the vision of joint cooperation and the expansion of the project with the vocalist Alja Petric, a musical tandem was created, under the common name of Soundscapes – Chantings & Arias. The compositions from the album were merged with the subtle sound world, through the frequencies of ancient acoustic instruments that create a meditative musical ambient. The most powerful synergy arises at the contact point of the mighty voices of the two authors, which is their most natural expressive form and brings the audience to travel into the deep and distant inner worlds.


Soundscapes (Alja Petric), is an upgrade of the project Sound of the moment in which the artist creates musical ambients that discourages the listeners attention from its famous musical constructs in order to experience those two most basic building blocks from which the music as such is being created: out of “sound” and “silence”.

By using diverse acoustic “sounds” and genuine human “singing”, she creates melodic patterns that follow the established concept and builds them with intuitive melodies that arise in a spontaneous moment. The acoustic landscapes explore the subtle world of sound that whispers in nature as well as in the interior of the human soul.

Chantings & Arias (JUNEsHELEN) is a new project and a new branch of the kingdom’s exploration of JUNEsHELEN voice. An intuitive way of singing and being guided by the soul and accompanied by drone harmonic, melodies and orchestral sounds.

The meditative Chantings & Arias of JUNEsHELEN are sang in an internal language, coming from a world, where the words have no meaning, only a pure intuitive feeling. An honest feeling of non misinterpretation, where one does not hide behind the words of a known language, but flows freely in the freedom of self expression. Through her voice the bride crossing to the inner world is established. Each and everyone can translate the words they hear as a direct link, a message and a meaning, which can be experienced only as a personal and individual journey. The meaning is different to everyone. http://juneshelen.com/


Album: Soundscapes – Chantings & Arias


Released: 30. 11. 2020             Label: Modra Safira            Information/purchase: zavod.modrasafira@gmail.com



JUNEsHELEN & ALJA PETRIC / Soundscapes – Chantings & Arias – LIVE CONCERT, Cankarjev dom 26.12.2020